Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Homemade Glass Cleaner

I've been using homemade glass cleaner for the last two years now and it is every bit as good as the store bought cleaner and is a fraction of the cost. I keep my cleaner in an old store-bought glass cleaner bottle to make it all the more obvious as to what's inside. Now, onto the recipe!

I suggest mixing the ingredients in the spray bottle you'd like to use as this saves time. A funnel is very helpful for this. Also, if your bottle is exactly a quart (32 ounces), you won't have to measure out the distilled water. Simply add the alcohol, ammonia, and the tiny squirt of dish soap to the bottle then fill with distilled water.  

  • 1/2 c. rubbing alcohol
  • 2 tbsp ammonia
  • 1/4 tsp dish soap
  • 3 1/2 c. distilled water